NOTE: There will be a slight price increase on all services as of 1/1/25.
Thank you for your interest in our exclusive Riptide K9 Dog Training Packages! Choosing the right package for you and your
canine companion can be difficult but here at Riptide K9 we’ve developed a wonderful program that encompasses practical, reliable obedience training based on your lifestyle, your dog’s temperament and your goals as a dog owner.
Our programs are all inclusive, in-board training programs that are guaranteed.
On leash Basic SILVER- Starting at 2.5 week stay with us, minimum age 4 months.
For those owners looking for reliable, on leash control in public but are unlikely to take your dog off leash, this is the program for you. This program teaches you and your dog the practical and essential skills necessary to navigate through common distractions (people, dogs, cars, wildlife) on the leash. In our Silver program we teach your dog to walk on a loose leash by your side (no pulling or sniffing!), to sit when you stop, to turn when you turn and to pay attention to you and your body language over all else. Your dog is shown how to properly greet other people while out on a walk (no jumping!). Your dog will be taught to both “sit” and “down” on command and automatically hold that position until released, no need for the extra “stay” command here! We will also address puppy nuisance behaviors such as nipping, mouthing, hyperactivity, etc. We provide the necessary humane training tools and instruction required to achieve this level of obedience. Realistic goals based on breed and age discussed via evaluation
Off leash Advanced GOLD – Starting at 2.5 week stay with us, minimum age 6 months.
This is a return program; students must have completed the ON leash B1 program.
For those adventurous dog owners looking for “a little more” we have our G2 program. In this program we lay the necessary foundation in order to achieve reliable obedience training off the leash. All of the basics from the ON Leash program will be brushed up, and in addition we introduce some very important skills. Not only will your dog walk by your side on a leash, but will do so off the leash as well! Sitting when you stop, turning with you and keeping an eye on your body language are all covered. One of the most important commands your dog will learn in its lifetime will be addressed in this program; the off-leash recall! Does your dog take off on you? Play the “chase” game? We can solve that and teach your dog to reliably come when called. This is absolutely critical when having your dog off leash. Finally, in the G2 program we introduce the “place” command. This command has a wide variety of practical uses from preventing “begging” at the dinner table to not charging the door when someone comes knocking. The place command is a great tool and can be generalized to any slightly elevated platform you may encounter when out and about. We provide the necessary humane training tools and proper instruction required to achieve this level of obedience. Realistic goals based on breed and age discussed via evaluation
DAY TRAIN On leash Basic SILVER – 3 weeks 15 days
Do you live close to our facility?
For those looking to get some basic leash manners without the separation of an in-board program, we now offer a day training service for dogs that qualify! our philosophy remains the same.
You can drop your dog off and pick them up every day, 5 days a week (Mon-Fri in the A.M for drop off, Mon-Fri r 4-5pm for pick up). Foundation basics of leash walking (Heel), Sit/stay, Down/stay, and proper greeting of people will be addressed. Our trainer will log progress daily with a report card of what was completed and you will be instructed to act as normal with your dog until the completion of the first week. The first weekend you will be given 3 exercises to work on as “homework”. After the first weekend training will resume for 5 more days then you will attend a formal 1-hour lesson to show you how to implement the training.
This sets you nicely to have your dog participate in our Advanced GOLD add on program at Riptide k9 via 2-week board and train to address the off-leash portion of the training.
Behavior Modification – Extra Time added to programs: $1,125.00 week or $160/ day.
Behavior modification programs address special behavioral issues such as aggression, shyness, and hyperactivity. These issues can be challenging and are best addressed with the services of a Professional Certified Dog Trainer using techniques that are safe, efficient, and professionally recognized.